Messages from scientists in response to Masaru Emoto’s research of water crystals
Dr. Gerald H. Pollack
Professor of Bioengineering at University of Washington、founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water
Dr. Bruce Lipton
Stem cell biologist, bestselling author
Masaru Emoto’s efforts to inform the public of the impact that their emotions and intentions have in shaping the character of their lives, has had a most profound effect on uplifting and empowering humanity. We are fortunate that Masaru Emoto, a very humble man with the highest degree of personal integrity, was endowed with the courage, strength and perseverance to challenge conventional world views and offer civilization insight into the power of their own creativity.
In the face of today’s global chaos, it is important that we actively pursue Masaru Emoto’s mission of spreading the power of “love and gratitude.” Though we will miss his presence, Dr. Emoto’s words, visions and prayers will live on in promoting harmony and health for future generations. May his light continue to shine and guide us in making a more compassionate and loving world.
Professor, Dr. Konstantin G. Korotkov, St. Petersburg University, Russia
Dr. Emoto has developed beautiful approach demonstrating to the world the influence of positive thoughts, intentions, and music to water. When we see elegant crystals formed under the influence of Maria Callas arias and children’s smiles and compare them with ugly deformed images reflecting hatred and fear, we understand that our Consciousness – is an active force of our world, influencing water and all of us. A lot of people talk about this, but Dr. Emoto was able to show this in visual form, which is mostly important in our time, when people do not like to read, but like to see. Dr. Emoto passed away, but his results was not forgotten, his research is going on in different laboratories, his Institute is supported by his son and his followers, so the book “Messages from Water the Final” is the best memory to this great person.