Dai Dangen

Someone made music of the “Grand Invocation”(Dai Dangen) that Dr. Emoto chants every time when he offers the prayer to water.
It’s on YouTube, and we would like to share it with you.

Happy 11th water ceremony day! I wanted to share with you this beautiful Grand Invocation Water Blessing Song please watch.
Also I not sure who is on the MY HADO mailing list and already received this but I wanted to share with the newsletter I just sent out.
Thank you and I love YOU!

with love and gratitude,
lindsay kemp

3 thoughts on “Dai Dangen”

  1. Dr. Emoto gave me, Shanti Shivani, the transmission of the Dai Dangen or Grand Invocation in December 2005 when we met at the Kamala Wellness Center on Koh Samui, Thailand. He requested that I compose a melody to this prayer in the Japanese language, Kototama. He wanted to bring the feminine energy through melody to this prayer as the Japanese language is very patriarchal. I “received” or channeled the melody while sitting in the creek following through Kamalaya. I have been told by psychics and Japanese people that the melody is a melody from the ancestors. The recording and translation of the lyrics is under videos and Dai Dangen on my YouTube channel Shanti Shivani Music Sound Yoga.

  2. I agree It is beautiful and I too would like to see the lyrics in english if possible, Unless the part we pray fro shining rivers, etc…we pray for crystal purity, are the lyrics in english. Thanks

  3. So beautiful, would you please provide the lyrics in American so we can understand all the beautiful words you lovely ladies are singing?

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