Science of “Message from Water”

Dr. Emoto says that “Messages from Water” is not a science but a hypothesis.
How can we scientifically establish “Messages from Water”?
Let us consider the possibilities in this series of articles.

Dr. Yasuyuki Nemoto


As you know, “Messages from Water” is a collection of photographs of water crystals, which was published by Dr. Masaru Emoto in June, 1999. When tap water was frozen and observed by a microscope, no hexagonally organized beautiful crystals were detected in most cases. However, in the case of clean spring waters, or tasteful natural waters, very beautiful hexagonal crystal structures were observed. Similarly, when pure water was first exposed to different pieces of music and then examined in the same way, the forms of the resultant crystals were different depending on the music played. Furthermore, when photographs, or written words, were shown to water the resultant water crystals displayed various different shapes from very beautiful to ugly ones.

However, basically only one photograph is chosen among many photographs taken under each experimental condition in “Messages from Water”. Because of this situation, some people misunderstand that very similar water crystal photographs were taken from each water sample. In fact, there are no identical water crystals just as there are no identical snowflakes.

Usually in our experiments, we place a drop of sample water onto each of 50 or 100 Petri dishes and freeze them. We then observe the tip of 50 or 100 different ice samples under the microscope. Even in the best water samples, the ratio of the beautiful crystals is at most 15%. In the remaining 85% of ice samples, the shape of the crystal is not beautiful because the crystal structure is partially or completely broken, or no crystal is observed at all because a depression is formed at the center of the tip of the ice.

Because of this situation, some people hold a negative opinion about “Messages from Water”. These people criticize that the photographic collection was made by intentionally choosing only one photograph from the many taken under each experimental condition. They argue that the selected photograph could be biased to match the author’s viewpoint.

One of the ways to circumvent this criticism is to present all the photographs taken under a certain condition and not by only choosing one. If this was done, we would be showing our data objectively and we could not be criticized as intentionally choosing a specific photograph to prove our hypothesis.

 Report in 1999 by Emoto and Obara showing the results of all data

In 1999, a report entitled “Evaluation of Hado Information by Water Crystal Photography” was published in Journal of the Subtle Energy Association in Japan (pp.5-10, Vol.3, No.2, 1999) by Masaru Emoto and Daisuke Obara. Daisuke Obara, now an expert of Mayan calendar, worked for Dr. Emoto as a staff of IHM at that time.

In the report’s summary, the authors wrote that the intention of the report was to actually show all data obtained by water crystal photography.

They stated, “So far, we usually picked up some representative water crystals from various water samples and showed their water crystal photographs. Actually, we have evaluated at least 50 different ice crystals from one water sample. Therefore, this time, we present some experimental results based on all the data from each water sample.”

The following three experimental results were described in this report.

Exp. 1

    Comparison between Tsukuba (city near Tokyo) tap water and natural waters (taken from the Sanbuichi Yusui and Hachiemon Sui spring waters on the Southern slope of Yatsugatake Mountains in Japan)

Exp. 2

    Change of Shinagawa (part of Tokyo) tap water before and after it was exposed to the Hado of immunity for 90 seconds using MRA (magnetic resonance analyzer)

Exp. 3

    Change of purified water before and after it was exposed to pieces of music (“Air on the G String” by J.S. Bach and “Etude Op.10, No.3” by Frederic Chopin)

In either experiment, they observed 50 ice crystals from each water sample by the same water crystal photography as is used in “Messages from Water”. They then classified the shape of each water crystal, based on the classification standard shown in Table 1, into one of the 17 different patterns, and made a histogram to show how many water crystals appeared in each pattern. Please note that in the display of histograms below, some patterns are combined into one, so the total number of patterns is 12.

Furthermore, a score was assigned to each classified pattern as is shown in Table 1. They totaled up all the scores of 50 water crystals from each water sample and calculated the average score in each sample.

Score Classification of crystal Characteristics and explanation
100 Beautiful Especially beautiful and symmetrical water crystal with beautiful delicate branches
90 Semi-beautiful Beautiful and symmetrical water crystal with delicate branches
80 Hexagonal Hexagonal ly shape d water crystal with no delicate branches
80 Radiated Beautiful crystal with branches growing from the center
70 Semi-hexagonal Hexagonal water crystal with some broken part
70 Semi-radiated Crystal with branches growing from the center
70 Sheet-shaped Sheet-shaped crystal
60 Lattice-shaped Lattice-shaped crystal
60 Branched Crystal with branches emerging from ice surface
50 Micro Very small crystal with hexagonal, lattice -shaped or round-shaped form
50 Round Round crystal
50 Block-shaped Many lattice-shaped, round or indefinite crystals gathering together
20 Indefinite Crystal with no definite shape
20 Depression with beautiful crystals Beautiful crystals surrounding a depression
10 Depression with crystals Less beautiful crystals surrounding a depression
0 Depression Depression with no crystals
0 None No crystal observed

Table 1. Classification of water crystals and scores assigned to each classified group

Result of Exp. 1

As space is limited, we do not show the actual data for this experiment. In the case of tap water, all the water crystals were classified either “Depression” or “None”.

On the other hand, in the case of two natural waters, 3 to 5 “Beautiful” crystals were observed in both of them, and “Semi-beautiful”, “Hexagonal” and “Radiated” crystals were found. Obviously, their histograms were different from that of tap water.

The average score of tap water was 0.0 (because all of the crystals were either “Depression” or “None”), while those of Sanbuichi Yusui and Hachiemon Sui were 26.0 and 32.0, respectively.

Result of Exp. 2

As is shown in Figure 1, no crystals with a high score such as “Beautiful” were observed, while 41 “None” crystals were found, in the original Shinagawa tap water. However, by transferring the Hado of immunity to the water, the number of “None” crystals reduced to 7, while more beautiful crystals were found including two “Beautiful”, one “Hexagonal and radiated” and two “Semi-hexagonal and radiated” crystals.

As for the average score, Shinagawa tap water was 5.0 points, while it increased to 29.0 after the Hado transfer.

Shinagawa tap water After Hado transfer
Beautiful 0 2
Semi-beautiful 0 0
Hexagonal and radiated 0 1
Semi-hexagonal and semi-radiated 0 2
Sheet-shaped 0 2
Lattice and branched 0 0
Micro, round and block-shaped 4 11
Indefinite 2 3
Depression with beautiful crystals 0 9
Depression with crystals 1 10
Depression 2 3
None 41 7
Average points 5.0 29.0
Total number 50 50


Figure 1. Change in crystal patterns of Shinagawa tap water before/after the transfer of immunity Hado

In Photo 1 and 2, representative water crystals before/after the Hado transfer are shown.

Shinagawa tap water
Photo 1. Shinagawa tap water

Shinagawa tap water after Hado of immunity was transferred
Photo 2. Shinagawa tap water after Hado of immunity was transferred

Result of Exp. 3

As is shown in Figure 2, “Beautiful”, “Semi-beautiful” and “Hexagonal and radiated” crystals were not found originally, while they were observed after being exposed to each piece of music.

Purified water “Air on the G String”
by J.S. Bach
“Etude Op.10, No.3”
by Frederic Chopin
Beautiful 0 1 1
Semi-beautiful 0 3 0
Hexagonal and radiated 0 3 1
Semi-hexagonal and semi-radiated 0 1 0
Sheet-shaped 0 0 0
Lattice and branched 0 2 1
Micro, round and block-shaped 11 10 11
Indefinite 19 22 23
Depression with beautiful crystals 1 0 6
Depression with crystals 1 0 3
Depression 2 0 1
None 16 8 3
Average points 19.2 34.8 28.0
Total number 50 50 50


Figure 2. Change in crystal patterns of purified water before/after being exposed to each piece of music (“Air on the G String” by J.S. Bach and “Etude Op.10, No.3” by Frederic Chopin)

The average score in purified water was 19.2, while it increased to 34.8 and 28.0 by being exposed to Bach and Chopin music, respectively.

Representative photographs are shown in Photo 3 to 5.

Purified water
Photo 3. Purified water

Air on the G String
Photo 4. Purified water after exposed to “Air on the G String” by J.S. Bach

Etude Op.10, No.3
Photo 5. Purified water after exposed to “Etude Op.10, No.3” by Frederic Chopin


I think all of the experimental results are excellent. Especially, [Exp. 2] which shows, by water crystal photography, that the water has actually changed after the transfer of the Hado of immunity. This result proves the following three points simultaneously;

  1. Water has actually changed by transferring the Hado of immunity by the MRA machine.
  2. Water can memorize information such as the Hado of immunity.
  3. It can be detected that some information has been transferred into water by using water crystal photography.

Each of these points is very important in themselves.

Regarding [Exp. 3], we can perform some experiments to examine if the music of Bach, or Chopin, has brought about these effects in the same way as when humans listen to the music, or if the actions of the sound waves through the vibration of air, have affected the crystal structure of water physically. For example, we can expose the water to a pure tone emitted by a tuning fork and examine the results.

However, from a more strictly scientific viewpoint, this report is only showing a preliminary result. The reason for this is that the result from only one experiment for each experimental condition is shown in the report. Although it will take much more time and effort, it is necessary to repeat the same experiment at least three times and to analyze their results statistically.

This is because, if the result from just one experiment is shown, various reasons can be suggested for the result; for example, some containers may have been dirty, or the temperature and humidity were different during the experiments. We can say something definitive if we gain similar results after several repeats of the same experiment.

In this report, although they might have repeated the experiments under the same conditions, it has not been explicitly presented.

On the contrary, if the same results could be reproduced by repeating those experiments, the three points described above would have been proved scientifically. Those three points can be rearranged as follows;

  1. Water memorizes information.
  2. Hado counseling using Hado water is genuine.
  3. Water crystal photography described in “Messages from Water” is genuine.

I believe that you understand how important these experiments are.

Next time, I will explain the need for “Blind Testing” in scientific experiments, which is another very important experimental method that needs to be seriously considered.

(To be continued)
Proofread by Mary-Lou Nouh

Dr. Yasuyuki Nemoto

Dr. Yasuyuki NEMOTOReceived a Doctor of Science in Biology from University of Tokyo in 1988. After working for several universities in Japan, Miami and Honolulu in the fields of biology and biotechnology, I started to work for Dr. Masaru Emoto in 2002 as his international secretary. I have been also in charge of the scientific aspect of Dr. Emoto’s work. My theme is to integrate science and spirituality through the study of water.

One thought on “Science of “Message from Water””

  1. Hi Dr. Yasuyuki, I am a South African student at the University of the Free State and have written a letter, stating some theories of mine which I think you might find interesting. I tried sending it to this sight at the ‘Contact Us’ page, but that page is currently out of order and the letter is too long to post in this comment field, as the website keeps giving me an ‘error 403’. Do you have an email address that I might forward my letter to?

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