Dear friends and fans of Hado and Water Crystals around the world!

Welcome to the Masaru Emoto’s Hado World
About 30 years ago, Masaru Emoto discovered a world of Hado and he published more than 10 titles about Hado in Japan. He treated more than 10,000 clients with a Hado measuring device and water and he helped to heal a lot of people who had different kind of problems mentally and physically. He knew that water can memorize information then he came up with the water crystal photography to prove his theory and he succeeded. Water crystal photography tells that water reacts to any information (vibration) given by showing the different design. He has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery which were published in his books, “Messages from Water” and “The Hidden Messages in Water” and a lot of people resonated with his claim which is “water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness.” Since then, he went out to the world to tell people the importance of human consciousness, truth of water, and principal of Hado. At some time, his mission was turned out to be “world peace” specially after his grand children were born. He believed that we will be able to achieve the world peace by understanding the truth of water because water is telling a lot of meaningful things.

Unfortunately, he past away on October 17th, 2014 but his work and message will never die. This is the website to introduce his work and also new findings by his successors.

“Hado reates words
Words are the vibrations of nature
Therefore beautiful words create beautiful nature
Ugly words create ugly nature
This is the root of the universe.” by Masaru Emoto

Hado: The intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter.

Please check out the info here.


Messages from Water the Final

Messages from Water the Finalintroduces the culmination of twenty years of work, focusing on new crystal photographs that have not been published so far, along with the teachings of Masaru Emoto. We have also introduced wonderful messages from researchers and celebrities who have resonated with Masaru Emoto’s activities. In addition, the latest research results of water science that were not included in the previous series have been included. Thanks to the development of this field of “water science,” the theory of “water memory” that Masaru Emoto had been conveying to everyone in his book “Messages from Water” has been proven.
Masaru Emoto used to always say this: “We are water, but we don’t know much about water. So, we don’t understand ourselves either. If we could understand water better, we would also come to know ourselves, where we have come from and where we are going. That is why we must study water.”
Now, with the development of “water science,” we are finally getting closer to the day when we can really understand ourselves. I invite everyone to join us in understanding the truth of water, to accept the messages that water conveys, and to advance together into a new era. May your encounter with this book be a key to unlock a new door in life for you and your loved ones.

Water Crystal Goods

Water Crystal Silver Necklace imagine Silver Necklace Thank you Silver Necklace Water Crystal Coaster Water Crystal Stickers Messages from Water for children

A Message From Masaru Emoto

Let’s fill the earth with love and gratitude 2014.3.11
