We have taken water crystal photographs since 1994 and published them worldwide. In this page, we would like to introduce water crystals that have been published in the books.
In the pages for membership only, you can see latest water crystal images which may not have been published in the books yet.
It may take a little time to view all the images as there are many images. But it is for sure that it is worthwhile to wait to see them!
Natural Water
Sanbu-ichi yusui spring water, Yamanashi prefecture
1) Fuji river, Shizuoka prefecture
2) Fountain in Lourdes, France
6) Antarctic ice
Lake Maggiore, Switzerland
3) Mount Cook glacier, New Zealand
5) Shimanto river, Kochi prefecture (midstream)
4) Spring water of Saijo, Hiroshima prefecture
Huilo-Huilo-Falls, Chile
Lake Titicaca, Peru
Antipolo, Philippines
Lake Baikal
Lake Motos, Fuji Five Lakes of Japan
We played music to water and observed water crystals. Perhaps it is not a human who listen to music but it is water in the human listen to music.
12) Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake”
Sarasate’s “Zigeunerweisen”
10) John Lennon “Imagine”
Beethoven’s “Destiny”
“Air on the G String” by J.S. Bach
11) Mozart’s “Symphony No.40 in G minor”
Prelude a l’apres-midi d’un faune by Debussy
La Mer by Debussy
La Mer by Debussy
La Mer by Debussy
Mendelssohn’s “The wedding march”
14) The Sound of Music “Edelweiss”
Amazing Grace
Smetana’s “Moldau”
Schubert’s “Ave Maria”
Waves of the Danube by Iosif Ivanovici
Vivaldi’s “The Four seasons” Spring
Vivaldi’s “The Four seasons” Summer
Vivaldi’s “The Four seasons” Autumn
Vivaldi’s “The Four seasons” Winter
The Beautiful Blue Danube by Johann Strauss II
Pachelbel’s “Canon”
We exposed words to water and obserbed water crystals. Words affected water very much.
22) Love and Gratitude
Love of husband and wife
17) Happiness
19) Hope
I can’t do it
I can do it
16) Eternity
It’s OK.
Photo of Sedona
We exposed photographs to water and water showed different faces depending on photographs.
Photo of cherry blossoms
40) Showing water a picture of dolphins
Photo of an elephant
23) Heartmark
Photo of a Lotus flower
Photo of an egyptian pyramid
Photo of a Mayan Pyramid
Photo of Moai statue
Photo of Mt. Fuji
Photo of Sedona
Sacred Places, Religions, Symbols and etc..
How do sacred places in the world, sacred words and symbols which were spoken and showed in different religions affect water?
Photo of Heitate Shrine, Japan
Han-nya-shin-gyo, Buddhist mantra
21) Namu-amida-butsu , Buddhist mantra
20) Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, Buddhist mantra
Word of God Islam
Word of God Islam
Power of Prayer
How will water change after we offer prayers to water? Will our prayers be reached?
Dam water: Before a Buddhist monk offered a prayer
48) Dam water: After a Buddhist monk offered a prayer
The Prayer from Galilee to Tokyo
46) Tokyo’s tap water after 500 people sent their energies of love remotely from different places in Japan.
The water of Watarase drainage basin : Before the prayer
The water of Watarase drainage basin : After the prayer
The tap water from primary school : Before the prayer
The tap water from primary school : After the prayer
Tap water before students’s prayers at a elementray school in Japan
Tap water after students’s prayers at a elementray school in Japan
Tap water after students’s prayers at a elementray school in Japan
The tap water of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park : Before the prayer
The tap water of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park :
After the prayer
The water of Lake Biwa : Before the prayer
The water of Lake Biwa : After the prayer
Tap water from local city in Japan
Tap water from local city in Japan with love and gratitude
The water of Buan Dam (Korea) : Before the prayer
The water of Buan Dam (Korea) : After the prayer
35 thoughts on “Water Crystals”
Bsr chef adjoint au bijoux du travail tout en bas de votre disposition à tous ces derniers tubes de travail don tellement bien cordialement Kassoum Diarra
I am writing a book in Polish about healing.
In my book, I describe Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments with water.
I would like to include an illustration of ice crystals from experiments in my book. How can I obtain permission?
I am very interested in replicating Dr. Emoto’s work, but unable to find solid information on the microscope used. Some sites say “darkfield” – and that it probably correct, other sites say magnification was 10X, and the replication done with Dean Radin suggests 100X-200X, but would be interested in the microscope mfg., model, etc. – and any other modes used (e.g. polarization or phase contrast). Has anyone got the details?
Hello Allezsandro!
Did you ever find the microscope he used? I was thinking Darkfield as well, but I have yet to see any other info. All my best to you and your explorations 🙂
This concept is extremely complex. There is a strong possibility that if the “same” energy found in our healthy cells can be “mindfully” implanted in water then by drinking the water this induced energy will resynchronise damaged cells and restore health.
The theory is sound but the process may need repeating many times for the effect to show. It took 9 months for a baby’s cells to be configured so its is unlikely that health could be restored over night by drinking “configured” water.
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What kind crystals do you think money will grow?
Mud, mud mud, dum, dum, dum
Want to take good thing and make it evil.
We should be trying to translate this argot language.
I have checked your page and i have found some duplicate content,
that’s why you don’t rank high in google, but there is a tool that can help
you to create 100% unique content, search for:
boorfe’s tips unlimited content
I have checked your blog and i have found some duplicate content, that’s why you don’t rank high in google’s search results, but there is
a tool that can help you to create 100% unique articles,
search for; Boorfe’s tips unlimited content
I saw a book of yours once that had many photos of the water crystals affected by different words, etc…and I want to buy it, but now, I don’t remember which title it was. Can you please tell me? THANK YOU so much for such wonderful research! Amazing!! It truly gave me reason to stop and think about how we affect our world with our words and emotions. God is truly amazing!
No, have some blurriness.
But i suspect that is indication of the person’s reflection. When blurry, is reflection of the person’s level in comparison.
I do find interesting that hard rock metal create mud. Because they make me happy and want to dance. So maybe dependent on the tester. Every snowflake is different as no two people are the same.
Merci Monsieur Emoto pour ce beau travail philanthropique et unifier corps et esprit. Je demande la permission de prendre deux photos pour un livre qui traite de l’environnement externe et de nos pensées. merci pour aide,
We cherish you for showing us the truth of the power of thought, and prayer and how it directly creates our reality. Rest in sweet beautiful peace, your work has changed the world. We pray your family, friends and colleagues may take solace in knowing such a remarkable man. May you always be surrounded by love and the infinite power of positive energy.
Cela fait de nombreuses années que je m’intéresse au pouvoir curatif de l’eau informée et que je crois en vos recherches avec beaucoup d’optimisme. Nous aussi en France nous allons régulièrement au bord de la Mer Méditerrannée avec une Chamane pour une grande Cérémonie de l’Eau et chaque année cet événement attire toujours plus de monde. Merci d’avoir été le premier à apporter de belles preuves sur la conscience de l’Eau !!! Vous pouvez voir la vidéo sur YOU TUBE en allant sur DIANE EYA et en choisissant le dernier film publié début août 2014…. très bonne chance pour la suite de vos recherches !!! Brigitte Mia
I see the crystals and I feel their energy and I thank you my dearest brother and your hard working team for showing and telling us of the effects on water. I just wish I had money so that you dearest brother can share your time and energy with us in our Waitaha Water Gathering this October. I feel so ashamed.
Cela me donne envie d’écouter de la musique,de ne dire que de jolis mots et de prier pour que l’eau dont je suis composée se transforme en d’aussi beaux cristaux Merci Mr Masaru Emoto .
I visited your site. Excellent you sharing your knowledge. Best do you doing work. This work is really wonderful. It is a gift to humanity and the world! Iam so glad. . Nice Water Crystals.
Thanks Dr. Emoto
Bsr chef adjoint au bijoux du travail tout en bas de votre disposition à tous ces derniers tubes de travail don tellement bien cordialement Kassoum Diarra
I am writing a book in Polish about healing.
In my book, I describe Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments with water.
I would like to include an illustration of ice crystals from experiments in my book. How can I obtain permission?
It’s argot just need to complete the dictionary and talk to ….
Hi, can I reproduce some of the images for group mediation non commercial purposes ?
I am very interested in replicating Dr. Emoto’s work, but unable to find solid information on the microscope used. Some sites say “darkfield” – and that it probably correct, other sites say magnification was 10X, and the replication done with Dean Radin suggests 100X-200X, but would be interested in the microscope mfg., model, etc. – and any other modes used (e.g. polarization or phase contrast). Has anyone got the details?
Hello Allezsandro!
Did you ever find the microscope he used? I was thinking Darkfield as well, but I have yet to see any other info. All my best to you and your explorations 🙂
Has anyone else corroborated this very interesting experiment?
Have scientists taken any interest in this new study?
This concept is extremely complex. There is a strong possibility that if the “same” energy found in our healthy cells can be “mindfully” implanted in water then by drinking the water this induced energy will resynchronise damaged cells and restore health.
The theory is sound but the process may need repeating many times for the effect to show. It took 9 months for a baby’s cells to be configured so its is unlikely that health could be restored over night by drinking “configured” water.
Gratidão pelo comentário muito esclarecedor💜🙏🏵️
This work is really wonderful. It is a gift to humanity and the world! Thank you, Dr. Emoto!
I have noticed you don’t monetize your website, don’t waste your traffic, you
can earn additional cash every month because you’ve got high quality content.
If you want to know how to make extra $$$, search for: Ercannou’s essential adsense alternative
What kind crystals do you think money will grow?
Mud, mud mud, dum, dum, dum
Want to take good thing and make it evil.
We should be trying to translate this argot language.
I have checked your page and i have found some duplicate content,
that’s why you don’t rank high in google, but there is a tool that can help
you to create 100% unique content, search for:
boorfe’s tips unlimited content
de Argentina, primero quisiera que lo puedan traducir y segundo seria mas significativo si fuera un vídeo. gracias!
Esta en video. No recuerdo el nombre. Googlealo.
I have checked your blog and i have found some duplicate content, that’s why you don’t rank high in google’s search results, but there is
a tool that can help you to create 100% unique articles,
search for; Boorfe’s tips unlimited content
Estou satisfeito ,pois o livro está ajudando-me.
I saw a book of yours once that had many photos of the water crystals affected by different words, etc…and I want to buy it, but now, I don’t remember which title it was. Can you please tell me? THANK YOU so much for such wonderful research! Amazing!! It truly gave me reason to stop and think about how we affect our world with our words and emotions. God is truly amazing!
The book is called: The Hidden Messages in Water
Book by Masaru Emoto
Here is a link to purchase it through Amazon:
Thank you for the beautifull pictures of the Water Crystals
Does anyone think that these pictures are becoming faded?
No, have some blurriness.
But i suspect that is indication of the person’s reflection. When blurry, is reflection of the person’s level in comparison.
I do find interesting that hard rock metal create mud. Because they make me happy and want to dance. So maybe dependent on the tester. Every snowflake is different as no two people are the same.
Dankjewel voor de prachtige waterfoto’s.
Thank you.
I Have good feeling.
Merci Monsieur Emoto pour ce beau travail philanthropique et unifier corps et esprit. Je demande la permission de prendre deux photos pour un livre qui traite de l’environnement externe et de nos pensées. merci pour aide,
Thank You~ Thank You~ Thank You~
You were a beautiful crystal Dr. Emoto
Namaste~ In Joy Knowledge and Wisdom
We cherish you for showing us the truth of the power of thought, and prayer and how it directly creates our reality. Rest in sweet beautiful peace, your work has changed the world. We pray your family, friends and colleagues may take solace in knowing such a remarkable man. May you always be surrounded by love and the infinite power of positive energy.
Mr. Emoto : why don’t you take up the 1 billion $ James Randi Educ. Found challenge (since 2003, always valid) ?
Cela fait de nombreuses années que je m’intéresse au pouvoir curatif de l’eau informée et que je crois en vos recherches avec beaucoup d’optimisme. Nous aussi en France nous allons régulièrement au bord de la Mer Méditerrannée avec une Chamane pour une grande Cérémonie de l’Eau et chaque année cet événement attire toujours plus de monde. Merci d’avoir été le premier à apporter de belles preuves sur la conscience de l’Eau !!! Vous pouvez voir la vidéo sur YOU TUBE en allant sur DIANE EYA et en choisissant le dernier film publié début août 2014…. très bonne chance pour la suite de vos recherches !!! Brigitte Mia
I see the crystals and I feel their energy and I thank you my dearest brother and your hard working team for showing and telling us of the effects on water. I just wish I had money so that you dearest brother can share your time and energy with us in our Waitaha Water Gathering this October. I feel so ashamed.
Cela me donne envie d’écouter de la musique,de ne dire que de jolis mots et de prier pour que l’eau dont je suis composée se transforme en d’aussi beaux cristaux Merci Mr Masaru Emoto .
I visited your site. Excellent you sharing your knowledge. Best do you doing work. This work is really wonderful. It is a gift to humanity and the world! Iam so glad. . Nice Water Crystals.
Thanks Dr. Emoto
love ~ thank you ~ <3